favorite reference books

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favorite reference books

Feb 27, 2008, 4:20 am

I'd like to hear about your favorite reference books, the ones you pull off the shelf every week when that important question comes up or you just like to browse through for fun.
At our house, The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia would be number one. It gives a big chronological overview of history with interesting double page spreads, a timeline at the top, lots of pictures and some neat things at the back like lists of all the rulers of major countries or all the popes and their dates.

Feb 27, 2008, 4:17 pm

Aside from the internet, it would be my two Webster's Dictionaries, a modern one and one of the oldest ones. Great for word searching and origins.

Mar 2, 2008, 6:03 pm

Hmmm, that's a toughy. When trying to plan one of my unit studies, I usually reach for the internet and The Complete Home Learning Sourcebook by Rebecca Rupp. Alot of the internet links she has listed are dated because it was published in the 1990's (I think 1996) but the books, videos, etc listed are invaluable. I have also been trying to get my stuff together since we may be moving next year. I want complete good records this year. So, I've been putting together a list of goals for the kids using the same author's Home Learning Year by Year. She lists the "traditional" goals for public school year by year. I've taken what I need from each grade and compiled a list for ourselves. I've made a master list and a check box for each month, versus quarter, since we really don't do quarters. We school all year round.
I'm almost done with my oldest child, so this will be not in much use until next year. I've enjoyed using it though. It was nice to compare, although, I don't plan my lessons on meeting what the schools do.

Mrs. Lee, my baby Kailyn is now four months old!! I hope to be posting more frequently, now that I'm getting more sleep!

Have a wonderful school day everyone!!

Mar 7, 2008, 10:42 pm

homeschoolmom - Congrats on the sleep! My teens are having friends over tonight and tomorrow, so I don't expect much.

I also use the Oxford English Dictionary, except it's very hard to read. Tiny print. Our atlases and maps are invaluable. Love to have them open to refer to when reading.

Ene 26, 2021, 3:17 pm

I'm bumping this thread to see if anyone has recent recommendations. What are your favorite reference books for homeschooling?

Dic 18, 2022, 8:27 pm

>5 aspirit: Am wondering if you mean "reference books for homeschooling"

such as big book of home learning by mary pride? yes, i'm dating myself.

or cathy duffy who does several including an on-line website.

or did you mean reference books, (general) that can be used for homeschoolers.

my all time favourite reference series is an out of print set of encyclopaedias, called Richard's Topical Encyclopedia. I was even able to demonstrate outline skills in writing with these topics, because the paragraphs flow well. perhaps that is true for all encyclopaedias, idk. i still break these out when i want a quick dash through history, simplistic, and after the fashion it was originally presented to me. from there u can seek other perspectives, new information etc.