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Feb 26, 2008, 9:56 am

All things Maine here

Feb 26, 2008, 10:48 am

Although technically I was born in Portland (Mercy Hospital), I grew up in Scarborough (the Pine Point/Blue Point are, to be accurate). My mother's family is most recently from Biddeford, but also the Paris area. My father's family is from the Standish/Sebago Lake area originally. Nearly all of my family ancestry (at least the last few hundred years) is in Massachusetts, Maine and upper New Hampshire.

Mar 5, 2008, 11:22 pm

A native New Yorker, from The Bronx, I've lived in Waldoboro, Maine for the past 17 years. My husband's family are some of the town's original settlers. I love reading local history and finding places that are mentioned in these books. Histories by Stahl and Miller were my first introduction to Waldoboro's past and the local historical society provided plenty of primary sources.

Mar 6, 2008, 12:52 am

I'm the opposite, principal. I lived in Maine my entire life before moving to New York almost 3 years ago. I'm a "county" girl at heart; I grew up in Fort Kent at the tippy top of Aroostook County. I also lived in Portland for about 4 or 5 years. Such a lovely little city! It's still my favorite place to visit.

Mar 6, 2008, 8:38 am

>3 principal: There's a quilt shop on Route 1 in Nobleboro that I like to visit whenever I can! Last time I went up to visit my mom (in a home in Brunswick now), I picked up my sister-in-law in Phippsburg and met her mother (who lives in Jefferson) at the quilt shop (Maine-ly Sewing, I think is the name of it). We had lunch just down the road in an old railroad car (I think 'restoration' was in the name of the place) - food was pretty good (they had sweet potato fries...yum!). I used to pick up my mom and drive up to the quilt shop and have lunch as an 'outing' for her, but she wouldn't tolerate longish drives now.

Mar 6, 2008, 8:41 am

And, if you don't mind me asking, how did a young girl from the city meet a young boy from the country and fall in love?

When I was young I couldn't wait to get out of the state, now I'd love to get back in.

Mar 6, 2008, 11:52 am

avaland - there is an old RI saying "you can take a person out of RI, but you can't RI our of the person". I think that can apply to you as well. So once a mainer always a mainer. ;-)

Editado: Mar 6, 2008, 8:10 pm

My twin sister and her husband owned a sea food restaurant on Rt 1. I was teaching at the time so had the summer off and came to Maine to watch my young niece. My brother-in-law introduced me to friend because he thought we would be perfect for each other. He was right! We were engaged 6 months later.
I absolutely love living in Maine and can't imagine living in the city again.

Mar 6, 2008, 8:09 pm

That quilt shop is in the old "haunted house". At least that's what my husband, the Maine native tells me. We live in the next town over. The old railroad car restaurant is called Reunion Station. I've never been there.
Anyone been to Moody's?

Mar 6, 2008, 8:29 pm

Where is Moody's? I like stopping at Sarah's in Wiscasset and there is a seafood place on route 1 in Woolrich maybe...called the Sea Basket, I think. It isn't much to look at but the food is good (and fried in canola oil). All these enroute to the quilt shop, of course!

Mar 6, 2008, 10:14 pm

Moody's is on Rt1 in Waldoboro. Quite "famous". I like Sarah's. We stop sometimes on our way home from LL Bean's.

Ago 8, 2011, 11:47 am

This past week I had to drive the Maine coast up to Lemoine Beach to pick up my daughter who has been sailing around the Canadian maritime provinces with friends for 3 weeks. Lemoine Beach is on the coast north of Mt. Desert Island.

I haven't driven up the coast of my home state that far in decades, so it was interesting to see how things have changed. Of course, Route 1 traffic is not always endured patiently and I found that my native instincts got a dusting off (cursing tourists who drive at a crawl or don't use crosswalks...etc) despite the fact that I am not really just another tourist.

I passed at least 4 used book places between Bath and Ellsworth, though I did not stop at any of them. There are 5 quilt shops within easy reach between Kittery and Nobleboro. We had a really nice lunch at a place near Lincolnville Beach called, The Lobster Pound (?).

I get up as far as the Bath/Phippsburg area and parts south pretty regularly all year round, but the trip much further east was a nice treat. One averages maybe 40 mph on Route 1 overall.

Abr 10, 2012, 10:34 am

Twice last month I stayed at the Galen Moses House B&B in Bath while visiting family. I highly recommend it. The interior surroundings are both wonderfully stimulating and very comfortable.