
CharlasBook Discussion - The Seagull by Ann Cleeves

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Jul 25, 2018, 7:35 pm

What were the best features of the book?

Jul 25, 2018, 8:00 pm

As always, I love Ann's characters and her writing. She is very suspenseful and keeps her clues very close to her chest, as we all know. You can't help but love her books.

Jul 25, 2018, 10:25 pm

I loved that we got a more intimate look at Vera's personal life. We saw her interact with Patty's children in a thoughtful way and be nicer to her staff.

I thought the plot was intricate without being confusing and everything made perfect sense in the end.

Jul 26, 2018, 6:11 am

I really like this series...even if "book Vera" is so much different that "T.V. Vera". It was nice to see the team working more together as a single unit and Vera being more tolerant of their mistakes. A little more about Hector was also useful in understanding a little more about Vera.

>3 Olivermagnus: is right. Everything was explained and came together in the end.

Jul 26, 2018, 8:39 am

>3 Olivermagnus: I thought it was good to some of Vera’s maternal instinct come to light with Patty.

Overall I thought this was very well written, even with quite intricate plotting, and so much of it felt believable. Loved the experience of this book and finding out more about Vera’s past. Also like the small changes with Vera, Holly and Charlie.

Jul 26, 2018, 2:04 pm

Interesting storyline - I liked how it linked to Vera's past.