The Gothic War 376-382 AD

CharlasAncient History

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The Gothic War 376-382 AD

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Jul 17, 2018, 12:38 pm

A short outline of events after the Goths' entry into the ERE in 376 AD:

Some say this struggle was the catalyst for the Western Empire's fall. There is a plausible chain reaction theory to back that up (autonomous Goths living in empire post-382->Alaric->Visigothic identity->overreliance on 'foederati'), but I wondered what other people thought?

Jul 20, 2018, 6:15 am

And an additional blog, examining the end of the war and the 'peace deal' which would sow the seeds of Europe's turbulent future!

Jul 31, 2018, 12:27 pm

And a third blog on the topic, focusing on the challenge of writing about a period where the history is sparse to say the least:

A Gap in History - picking up the pieces after the chronicles of Ammianus Marcellinus