Jutland recommendations


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Jutland recommendations

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Feb 3, 2008, 1:38 am

I will be writing a 10 page paper on the design tendencies of both the Grand and High Seas Fleet, and how they effected the outcome of the battle. I have never studied this era before and so, am fishing for recommendations. There is less concern in this paper with the effects of decisions, and more on the effects of the technology, anything along those lines would be helpful

Editado: Feb 3, 2008, 8:54 am

You could start with Jutland: an analysis of the fighting by N. J. M. Campbell. While this focuses on the battle there is much of interest on the performance of British and German armor, guns and fire control. Battleships of World War I: An illustrated encyclopedia of the battleships of all nations, 1914-1918 by Antony Preston only provides brief descriptions of each class but does cover the period. Dreadnought: A History of the Modern Battleship by Richard Hough is a personal favorite. Not technical but interesting. Battleship Design and Development, 1905-1945 by Norman Friedman is also interesting albeit brief in its specific coverage of World War 1 British and German design philosophy. Lastly there is always Battleships and Battle Cruisers, 1905-1970 by Siegfried Breyer.