What NaJuReMoNoMo Is About

CharlasNational Just Read More Novels Month

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What NaJuReMoNoMo Is About

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Dic 30, 2007, 10:32 am

Every January I encourage people to read novels. It just seems like a good time of year to snuggle in bed with a good book. Let me know what novels you are reading this January.

Editado: Ene 13, 2008, 6:27 pm

What a lovely idea! I tend to read heavily all-year-round, but this is as good an excuse as any to stay all tucked up under a duvet with a good book!

I've read 6 books this year so far, 3 of which are novels, and I have another 2 on the go at the moment, so I think I'm doing pretty well so far!