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Jul 29, 2006, 12:03 am

So... we're college students. Anyone have anything to say?

Books assigned for classes that I enjoyed ... The Name of the Rose.. Nisa.. The Substance of Civilization.. In Search of Respect.. The Monk.. Languages of China.. etc.

Is anyone else like me, and has kept practically every book purchased for every class? I hate selling books back. Maybe it's because I'm not in the sciences and thus don't shell out $100 for a single textbook that will be obsolete in a few years. :)

2ashdwyer Primer Mensaje
Jul 29, 2006, 8:59 am

Well, i'm going to St. John's college this fall, and I joined librarything because of the immense amount of books I'll be purcahsing in the next 4 years... I'm hoping it helps me keep them organized, so i dont buy something i already own.. :)

3ssd7 Primer Mensaje
Ago 1, 2006, 3:13 pm


I'm totally with you on not selling back books. I always find some reason to keep the book. "This book is about my major, I have to keep it," "This book isn't really a 'textbook' so I probably would have bought it eventually," or "I should keep this in case I have to refer to it in the future."

4Lexiphanicist Primer Mensaje
Ago 3, 2006, 11:13 pm

I can honestly say that I don't own a single textbook from any class I have ever taken. I am always in need of cash and they always tempt me too much. I am more of a fan of books that are in the 1-2 dollar range, now those are keepers.

Ago 4, 2006, 2:00 am

I only own a few actual "textbook" textbooks. I have sold a few of those back. But I hardly ever have to buy them. Any class where you're just buying cool books, like literature or history or anthropology, I've mostly kept. Although I still think fondly on some ones I sold back during my freshman year... I'm sure it wasn't it to sell it back. Alas...

Ago 4, 2006, 2:01 am

Wasn't *worth* it, that is. Oh post editing, where aaaare you?

Ago 5, 2006, 5:40 am

I'm a philosophy major, so I keep all of those books. On the other hand, I'm an economics double major, and I sell back those immediately.

I haven't gotten through adding very much of my library at all, but as you can see, they're almost entirely philosophy and theology. And I haven't even begun on the non-school books.

Ago 7, 2006, 12:01 pm

I tend to accumulate books - not because I want to keep them, but because I'm too lazy/fickle/something to get rid of them. I seem to have rotton luck with school, because every time I get a textbook it seems like it goes out of print and the bookstore won't buy it back.

Some of my textbooks include
- Fashion From Concept to Consumer
- The Snap Fashion Sketchbook
- Patternmaking for Fashion Design
- Fashion Sketchbook

and that's just off the top of my head - I know there's many more :)

Nov 5, 2006, 5:59 pm

I refuse to sell my books back to the school bookstore. They rip the students off so badly... I do sell a few in which I'm interested to used bookstores, but I keep the majority of the books I buy for class.

Nov 25, 2006, 7:10 pm

I hate selling books back to the bookstore. They don't pay me enough money for all the printed knowledge I'm giving back to them. Also, as a science student, the new editions of some of our books don't really change that much. A large amount of students don't buy the newest editions out of frugality, and normally the only differences are page numbers and homework questions.

Nov 25, 2006, 8:11 pm

I've generally found it unnecessary to buy textbooks for my classes - most of my classes don't have required texts, and most of the classes that do end up barely touching on the texts. At $60 - $150 a book, I'll save my money for something that I will actually use.

The few textbooks that I have purchased I've kept. They've all been extremely relevant to my field and excellent references for later - worth keeping, especially considering the palty amount the bookstore offers for used books.

12Cyrus3141 Primer Mensaje
Nov 25, 2006, 8:44 pm

I don't sell back Philosophy or Math books, but I do sell back all other textbooks as soon as I can.

Of course, Philosophy is the only courses that actually make me read things.

Ene 23, 2007, 12:54 am

I've kept virtually everything, but I'm pretty compulsive about my books. They're my babies. The ones I have sold, I've sold through not the bookstore.

Sep 23, 2008, 12:18 am

I keep everything related to my major, and if I take a class I really like I'll usually keep the books unless they're obviously textbooks.