NEED HELP! Two teen novels from the 80's (?)

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NEED HELP! Two teen novels from the 80's (?)

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Ene 1, 2016, 3:20 am

Hi, I read these two books for 7th Grade reading waaaay back in 1983 and would love to find them again to read....problem is can't remember the titles or who wrote them! However, I do remember quite a bit about the two books:

1. Was a novel about a teenager who worked in a fast food restaurant. It was a pretty gritty book, showing how hard it was to work in those places. The teenager (a guy) tries to get one of the female cashiers drunk in order to sleep with her and in the end, he breaks into the restaurant and steals money from the manager's office, but in the end, gets caught by the police. The cover was an illustration of a typical teen in a fast food uniform of the day, I want to say, standing in front of a giant hamburger (but I could be wrong). For years I always thought the title of the book was "I am the cheese," but this turned out to be incorrect.

2. Was a novel about a teenage girl who survives a plane crash in either the Alaskan or Canadian wilderness. She gathers enough resources from the plane and begins walking her way out of the wilderness, however, in the last few chapters she has to overcome surviving against an escaped convict/outlaw, hiding out in the woods too while the police/mounties close in! GREAT survival story and the cover had an illustration of a girl hiding behind a tree while further back in the woods the convict/outlaw was searching through the brush for her.

ANY help would be MUCH appreciated!!! :)

Ene 2, 2016, 6:05 am

Way to go bookel, that was one of them!!!!! :D Hard to believe I actually had the name of the book in my original post, too: "walking her way out"

Just need that other one, and I'm set......thanks much!!!

Ene 2, 2016, 7:27 am

Could the first book be something by Paul Zindel? I didn't read many of his books because they were too gritty and unpleasant for me but I think one of his books had a character who worked in a fast food restaurant. (I don't think it's My darling, my hamburger though, ironically!)

Ene 2, 2016, 1:23 pm

Hi Sakerfalcon,

I took a look at Zindel's books....but he wasn't the author of the 1 I'm looking for. That's funny about the hamburger title, though!

The search continues for book #1....

Ene 2, 2016, 4:31 pm

Is book #1 maybe Hamburger Heaven by James Trivers? The synopsis in Worldcat is:
A teen-ager wrestles with his guilty conscience after successfully robbing the safe of the hamburger restaurant where he works during summer vacation.

Ene 3, 2016, 3:11 am

Hi Indybr12.....I think you hit it!!! Couldn't find a picture of the cover of the book anywhere on the internet to save my life, but after reading a short sample page on Amazon & Barnes & Noble, that's gotta be it! :D :D :D

At last, at to just order these books from Amazon and it'll be a happy trip down reading memory lane! :)

Way to go, book sleuths!!! (Applauds for you all extra loudly)

Ene 3, 2016, 4:12 pm

Search title and author on Google Images using quotes.
"james trivers" "hamburger heaven"
The first result appears to be the cover?

Ene 4, 2016, 2:03 am

Hi Bookel,

Oh, yeah, I found that cover of "hamburger heaven" on Amazon when I looked there last night. I believe this is the "updated" cover as the book has been republished in 2009. However, it's original publishing date was in 1979...which matches up perfectly with the time I read it a few short years later in '83. Perhaps the original paperback cover image was never scanned into the internet?

Either way, I ordered them and they are on their way! :) !!!

Ene 5, 2016, 7:11 am

Ah, the original cover would be different and likely better. You could scan a cover or take a photo for Librarything.

Ene 5, 2016, 9:30 pm

will do when it arrives!