Name this Historical Romance

CharlasName that Book

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Name this Historical Romance

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Dic 30, 2015, 8:41 pm

I am looking for a book and thought of joining here. This is my first time so bare with me.

This book is about a man that is disfigured on the face (scars) and he creates a contract. Stating that if a woman could stay with him for a year, he would marry her and money would also be part of the prize. Many women come to see him, but never stay long. If his scars didn't scare the women away his temper sure did. Until one woman comes...
This woman has no title and not a lot of money, but yet still comes to try. The scars that he has doesn't bother her even though she doesn't meet him right away. But his temper does put a damper on things. She keeps reminding herself why she is doing this. For her family.

There are other problems that they face, but I can't remeber it. I had the book two years ago, however, some how between one thing and the next I lost it. Please help. Thank you.

Dic 31, 2015, 7:43 pm

Dic 31, 2015, 9:00 pm

The beauty and the beast : Hannah Howell ?

Ene 5, 2016, 11:41 pm

Thank you for trying. I ended up finding yesterday, Taming the Beast by Heather Grothaus.

Ene 5, 2016, 11:42 pm

Thank you for helping me. It's not the book I was looking for, but I think I might read it.

Ene 6, 2016, 9:06 am

Glad you were able to find it! Thanks for coming back to let us know.

Touchstone add: taming the beast