Who's been to Atlantis??

CharlasNew Zealand Thingamabrarians

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Who's been to Atlantis??

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Feb 18, 2015, 3:44 am

Hi, just joined the group and am new to LibraryThang as well, wondered if those of you within reach of Rotorua have checked out Atlantis Books in Eruera St? They only started up back in April 2014, but seem to be going great guns. Their ethos seems to be selling both second-hand and cheap-but-good new books, with many good used books going for $5 a pop, and a really good selection - also a funky steampunk vibe and nice big couches. My beloved took me there for Valentine's Day : ) : ) ... Word is there are branches in Whakatane and Tokoroa too.

Feb 18, 2015, 5:52 pm

>1 MyWord: Hi!

I don't think this group is very busy and I don't know many Rotorua Librarythingers but I will be sure to check out Atlantis books next time I'm in Rotorua, we go there at least once a year. I love visiting bookshops and libraries when I'm on holiday.

There are some great second-hand book shops near me in Wellington. There's a sci-fi shop in Otaki I must visit when next heading north, www.planetretro.co.nz

Feb 19, 2015, 4:30 am

Thanks for the tip - I was not aware of the Otaki shop. Could be a good stop en route to Wellers...

Jun 16, 2015, 2:03 am

Yes, there's also an Atlantis in Whakatane. As I recall, it's pretty much opposite the Whitcoulls. They had a nice selection and well organised shelves when I visited.