Favorite Lesbian Fiction Publisher?

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Favorite Lesbian Fiction Publisher?

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Oct 29, 2014, 3:11 pm

I just wondered. I used to be die hard Bella Books (with a little Regal Crest thrown in there), wouldn't read anything other than that, but since then I've widened my horizons and found some really great authors at all sorts of other houses. (I'm currently on a Bold Stroke Books binge :))

(This is also a sneaky way for me to learn about new publishers out there as well if y'all have read publishers I haven't). Oh, and, all of the above is a valid answer to... heh... :)

Nov 5, 2014, 2:21 pm

Cleis Press used to be a big favorite of mine.

Nov 6, 2014, 7:34 pm

I'm rereading old classics, so old Naiads and many that migrated over to Bella.

Nov 7, 2014, 6:43 am

I'm going to second Cleis Press for great lesbian books. I also like Spintsters Ink but I'm not sure if they're 100% lgbt or not.

These publishers aren't exclusively lesbian fiction, but have a great selection:

- Arsenal Pulp Press (notably, Blue is the Warmest Color)
- Feminist Press has a "Femmes Fatales" series where they reissue old lesbian pulp novels such as Women's Barracks
- Soft Skull Press has a lot of good stuff, including the Juicy Mother comic series, but I can't seem to find a good link to share

And while Kensington definitely isn't a lesbian press, they do have one of my favorite lesbian fiction authors, Monica Nolan who writes all sorts of fun, campy lesbian novels, if you're into that. :)

Nov 8, 2014, 2:58 pm

Ooh, I forgot about Naiad. And I haven't read a lot from Cleis, but I think that I have some on my various want to read lists (on and off line) that are published by Cleis. And I think that Katherine V. Forrest's most recent Kate Delafield is Spinsters Ink.

>4 lemontwist: I'll have to look into the others that you've mentioned. They look interesting.

Nov 8, 2014, 7:31 pm

I don't really have a favorite publisher, but I have quite a few early lesbian titles in my collection, tagged by press. If anyone has an interest in material from the '70s, have a look. I also have a tag called "2nd Wave Rarity."

Ene 8, 2015, 5:33 pm

Bold Stroke Books

Jun 30, 2015, 9:52 pm

Anyone still reading this? Sapphire Books is a growing publication. Rhavensfyre is a writing team that self publishes. They write lush romances that are remarkable.

Editado: Jun 30, 2015, 11:12 pm

I've read and mostly liked their Chase and Rowan series (except for the prequel and most recent story, as I've not read those).

I like linked-in-a-series self contained short stories like that (self contained as in each story can stand on its own, though each builds from the prior story in a series). Only recently found series like that one. I've read several so far. Always looking for more. Two different series by J.A. Armstrong (Off Screen, By Design), the series I already mentioned by Rhavensfyre, the Midnight series by Amy Dawson Robertson, the Rain Falls series by Kelli Jae Baeli (actually, those are book length). I was thinking of the Rain Falls ones as being similar as I was able to read them for free through Kindle Unlimited, like the others, but the others are short stories of roughly 30 to 130 pages in length. While Rain Falls is a series of novel length works.

But you asked about Sapphire Books and Rhavensfyre. And, as far as I know, they didn't put out the Chase and Rowan series through Sapphire Books. Or, at least, I see the publisher listed as "Rhavensfyre".

In terms of publishers, I still read Bold Strokes Books, Ylva Publishing, Bella Books, Spinsters Ink, and a bunch of self-publishing authors. A few by Naiad. A few by Cleis Press. A few by Intaglio Publications.