YA - Summer camp run aways/ first love

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YA - Summer camp run aways/ first love

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Mar 24, 2014, 12:01 pm

I read this book in the mid 90s/early 00s but it could have come out much earlier.

A boys and girls summer camp are on the same lake. Both camps force the camp loser to spend the night on an island (I think?). The boy and girl who are forced to stay on the island (or whatever) decide to run away together.

They end up sneaking into a motel room after a family leaves and extend the booking by calling the front desk and pretending to be the family.

She gets her period at some point and I think he steals tampons for her from a truck stop.

There's sexual tension between the two protagonists and I think they kiss but I'm not sure if much more happens. There's definitely some awkward feelings about sharing a bed or a sleeping bag or something.

For some reason I think jeans or a jean jacket were mentioned a lot and may have been part of a plot point.

I thought the title had something to do with goats or lambs - like them being the sacrifices of this camp.

It was also available as a book on tape. I think the reader was a man.

Mar 24, 2014, 4:05 pm

The goats by Brock Cole

Mar 25, 2014, 10:24 am

That's it, thanks!