SciFi Book -1970s? - Underwater Civililzation with Crystal powered force dome

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SciFi Book -1970s? - Underwater Civililzation with Crystal powered force dome

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Ene 26, 2014, 6:56 pm

I am seeking a science fiction novel I read in the late 1970s/early 80s. I believe the book was probably from the 60s-70s but am not sure. I suspect it was juvenile fiction, but also not sure. Key plot items I remember:

A deep sea expedition is dispatched to investigate reports of strange underwater occurrences. During descent the exploration vehicle is subsequently highjacked by men underwater with a strange glow surrounding them riding whales with a similar glow. The submersible is taken to an underwater dome where the scientists learn an ancient civilization had discovered a means of using an unusual crystal to generate force shields able to resist the water pressure sustaining existence at depths far deeper than would have been otherwise expected.

Unfortunately, the scientists have arrived at a time when there is a serious problem (doesn't that always seem to be the case :-) ) The scientists of course get blamed as scapegoats for the problems. Anyhow, after the predictable escape and some interesting twists the story wraps up.

Two interesting cultural items I remember:

1. Education in the undersea city did not START until someone was 18. Hence, the teenaged son of one of the scientists who is along is not considered a threat which becomes critical to the aforementioned escape.

2. The underwater community considers the fiction books they occasionally retrieve from the surface to be "lies." Hence, they have very little experience with subterfuge. Another key to the escape.

Any ideas out there?


Ene 26, 2014, 8:07 pm

I don't know what the book is without searching; firstly are the above (or any others by that author) eliminated or not?

Do you recall the cover? Colour, what was on it?

Ene 27, 2014, 6:36 am

It's been ages since I read it, but maybe Attack from Atlantis by Lester del Rey? The whale riding seems familiar. Also, I got my copy in the early 70s through the Scholastic Book Club, which if you did too might have given you the feeling it was a juvenile.

Ene 27, 2014, 6:43 am

Mar 25, 2016, 1:14 am


Mar 25, 2016, 9:48 am

>3 DemetriosX: >4 bookel:

Sounds like my memory of Attack from Atlantis, too.

Mar 25, 2016, 7:36 pm

Finally found a copy. Yes! This is it. Thanks for all the help on this.