Frederik Pohl advice


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Frederik Pohl advice

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Nov 21, 2013, 3:01 pm

I recently read a plague of pythons by Frederik Pohl and really liked it. It reminded me a bit of John Wyndham, the tone of the books are rational, but you still want to keep reading to find out what is happening. I think I should read some other books by this author, but I see he has quite a number of them, and I was a bit daunted... Does anyone here know this author and can you recommend other of his works? Or should I see if I can find an SF specific group to ask this question?

Nov 21, 2013, 4:01 pm

Gateway is excellent and I enjoyed the rest of that series as well, but it reads as a standalone. The Eschaton Sequence books are very good too, starting with The Other End of Time. Those should be read in order.

Editado: Nov 21, 2013, 4:19 pm

Gateway is the only novel-length work of Pohl's that I've read, but I second tottman's recommendation. Published in the seventies (IIRC) it's aged very well.

edited to fix touchstone

Nov 22, 2013, 1:24 pm

I remember really enjoying a book he co-wrote with Jack Williamson, The Singers of Time.

Nov 22, 2013, 3:01 pm

Thanks, guys, I'm going to check them out!

Nov 22, 2013, 6:08 pm

Space Merchants is my favorite, but it's definitely sf, not fantasy.

Nov 22, 2013, 10:24 pm

#1 & 6:
Sorry, zjakkelien, I didn't read your post carefully enough and missed the last implied question.
Yes, you might get more results on a Pohl question on the Science Fiction Fans forum:

Nov 23, 2013, 3:13 am

I used to be in that group.  They might know their stuff, but there's too much one-upping for my taste.

Nov 23, 2013, 4:11 am

8: One-upping? With books? How do they manage that? My books are better than your books, or something?

7: Thanks, rshart3, maybe I'll just post the same question there. It never hurts to get a few extra recommendations...

Nov 26, 2013, 1:33 am

9: More of "my knowledge is greater than yours".

Dic 12, 2013, 9:34 am

I read this book very early this year, you might want to check it out. The Seven Deadly Sins of Science fiction edited by Issac Asimov. A decent enough short story collection from some of the top names of that era. Issac Asimov's Galley Slave was one of the good ones. A look into how the introduction of the three law robot and how feard robots were at first and how much people had to be encouraged at first to use them. The other story that stands out is Frederik Pohle's The Midas Plague. a Tale of Gluttony, it is reversed cosumerism. The world has an age of plenty and it is every citizens primary duty to consume, not just food but products. It is seperated into differant areas and you have a quota to fill in each area. The "poorer" you are the more you have to consume and and as you get promoted through soociety the amount you have to use decreases. There is also the followup story The Man Who Ate the World. Now the age of plenty has ended but one man has not and cannot comsuming. If he continues it will throw the whole region into choas. The other stories are good but these were my favorites.