fantasy/romance read around 99-2001

CharlasName that Book

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fantasy/romance read around 99-2001

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Ago 31, 2013, 5:32 pm

Looking for a novel that I can't remember too much about. Medieval- ish. Starts off with a village tinker/ toy maker in his workshop. This person is involved with altering time. Which comes across as something physical like film that can be mended, re arranged or damaged. A young boy and girl are destined to be together like soul mates. At one point the girl is kidnapped by at least 2 other characters. They travel underground for an extremely long time and find this city of tunnels. I believe one of them perhaps wears robes and has some skill in sorcery. The other which sounds random. Is some sort of earth mover can move or move through dirt, rock etc. They and the girl actually become friends on the way back

Ago 31, 2013, 5:35 pm

Sounds a bit like Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon.

Ago 31, 2013, 6:03 pm

Yes, it's Rhapsody.