Memoir of a Jewish Argentine Immigrant

CharlasWriter's Brag and Rag Bag

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Memoir of a Jewish Argentine Immigrant

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Editado: Jun 18, 2013, 12:45 am

Hello everyone! My memoir, "With Love, The Argentina Family", speaks to the impetus of a family’s exodus to America; namely a Peronista government, a stagnant economy and an anti-Semitic culture. The family transform into jet-setters relentlessly traveling back and forth across the continents thanks to a mother that never stops crying about "The Argentina Family" and a father who works for Pan American Airlines.

The story unfolds sharing the insecurities and confusion of a young, immigrant girl faced with identity issues. Wearing out five passports before her twentieth birthday, she learns to deal with never-ending jet lag; dividing her life in between her adopted country and her native land.

Almost inevitably, a long distance, whirlwind romance begins in the aftermath of Argentina’s “Dirty War.” Complications abound, including a frightening interrogation with the Argentine Police and an astonishing encounter at the American Consulate.

Follow the sometimes poignant, sometimes comical trials and tribulations of a young girl coming to terms with her Jewish heritage, her Argentine traditions, and her fierce American patriotism.

I hope you take a moment to look my book over.An inspirational, thought provoking story; I'd "rate" my book PG, appropriate for older teens, YA and adults looking for a clean, easy read.

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