Post Halloween Pics on 6/21 to Win!


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Post Halloween Pics on 6/21 to Win!

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Jun 13, 2013, 3:23 pm

Here’s all you need to do –

Stop by Jean Booth’s blog ( Friday, June 21 and leave a comment – this’ll enter you in the prize drawing for signed copies of any two of Jean’s books – your choice!

On Friday, June 21 Post a picture on your blog of you dressed up for Halloween and tell us a little about that fun time in your life — this’ll enter you in the prize drawing of signed copies of any three of Jean’s books – your choice! Plus, since we’ll promote your post like crazy, your blog will get a lot more attention. Good thing, right? Right!

On Friday, June 21 post a review of Zombie War: Zombified! or an interview of Jean on your blog – this will enter you into the prize drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card!

If you'd like to review, just let me know and I'll get the ARC right out to you!

Thanks so much!