Final ReadaThing for the year

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Final ReadaThing for the year

Este tema está marcado actualmente como "inactivo"—el último mensaje es de hace más de 90 días. Puedes reactivarlo escribiendo una respuesta.

Dic 7, 2012, 12:35 pm

Dic 17, 2012, 6:45 am

We will all start reading at Zero Hour UTC on Sunday, December 23, 2012 (which translates to sometime on Saturday, December 22nd for those of us in the Americas. The end time will be staggered, with the ReadaThing ending at the stroke of Midnight as 2012 ends and 2013 begins wherever you happen to be!

The Wiki is still being prepared, but for now start thinking about what you will read and post it below. Also feel free to introduce any other special themes you would like to consider beyond the obvious "Trying to finish all those books I started (or intended to read) in 2012"!

To determine your local start time check out:

Details and signups (both Timeline and No Timeline) are at the Wiki: