Ghost story/reincarnation?, unsolved murder

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Ghost story/reincarnation?, unsolved murder

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Oct 16, 2012, 4:48 pm

Are there two authors named Nelson DeMille?
about 20 years ago I read a book by an author with that name. I lent the book to a friend and she told me that she had read other books by the same author. She gave me a book to read by "Nelson DeMille", all about thugs, spies, arms dealers and corrupt govts. NOT the same author but the same name, exactly. I have never been able to find this book since I didn't get it back from her and it's bothered me ever since that two people could be writing under the same name and be so different.
I read this book around the same time as Caleb Carr's books and it's similar to them.

The story was of a man who was living in NYC in the 1980's who kept flashing back in time or switching places with another man's life in the 1890's. I hope that makes sense. He kept finding himself in a time with horses and gas lights, no TV's or telephones. the man from the past found himself in the 1980's. He suddenly finds himself in the bathtub talking to the 1980's man's girlfriend and drinking wine. She was dressed in modern clothes(shocking!indecent!) and he about dies of embarrassment for her and for himself.
The modern guy goes back and he copes a lot better. Finally they find out who the other is and they investigate what is going on.
There was a murder in Connecticut in a house in the past that involved the man from 1890's.

Editado: Oct 16, 2012, 10:13 pm

Are you thinking not of DeMille but John R. Maxim? Because I think the book you are referring to is Time Out of Mind.

Oct 17, 2012, 3:26 am

I strongly doubt there'd be another Nelson DeMille when the Nelson DeMille is so very popular and has been writing successfully since the 70s. And he writes espionage/political thriller types.

Sep 29, 2013, 10:17 am

here I am a year later...
Thanks! that is the book!

Sep 29, 2013, 10:17 am

This is what I discovered in all my searching. Just the one, a very popular at that.