Virtual Book Tour for Sally A. Stephenson's Wildflowers

CharlasLesbian Bookworms

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Virtual Book Tour for Sally A. Stephenson's Wildflowers

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Ago 3, 2012, 5:56 pm

Este mensaje ha sido denunciado por varios usuarios por lo que no se muestra públicamente. (mostrar)

I have a book that may appeal so some of you here!

It is Sally A. Stephenson's novel Wildflowers (

I'll be running a virtual book tour for her in September, and would love to include anyone who may be interested.

Please feel free to shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to be a part of the tour! I'd love to have you!!!

Thanks so much,

Ago 3, 2012, 6:21 pm

May I suggest someplace more like, this --> for this sort of PR? This group, though slow at the moment is a discussion group not a PR one. Hobnob meanwhile was made for just your sort of post.