Chat about... The High Crusade by Poul Anderson

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Chat about... The High Crusade by Poul Anderson

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Jul 14, 2012, 6:47 am

Did you love The High Crusade by Poul Anderson? Hated it? Seen an interesting article about the book? Felt the book was a victim to superfluous commas? Loved the book, hated the cover?

Discuss it all here! Spoilers abound, enter at your own risk...

Editado: Jul 18, 2012, 11:22 am

This was fun! English knights and peasants taking over the galaxy! And bringing Christianity and feudalism to the galaxy too.

The book was pretty short, but I felt it suited the length. The short story was also fun, particularly the differences in style between them.

Anyone else want to try and redefine "Astrologer" to mean what it does here?

Oddly, this is the second "aliens land in 1340's Europe" that I've come across. The other, Eifelheim, is completely different in tone - much more serious. But it does share certain aspects, in particular the religious arguments about whether aliens have souls. I would also really recommend Eifelheim

For the historically minded the King and his son referenced are Edward III and Edward the Black Prince (grandfather and father of Richard II; grandfather and uncle of Henry IV; great-grandfather and great-uncle of Loki Prince Hal.) I also just spent far too long trying to figure out if there was actually a campaign in France in 1345. (Yes, there was. Even if wikipedia seemed to imply there wasn't).

But one minor point, Henry II was not the Duke of Anjou. At the time that Brother Parvus was around, Anjou was only a County. Yes, I am easily irritated by minor facts. (I am complaining about the history in a book about knights taking over the galaxy. Facepalm.)

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