CharlasThe 12 in 12 Category Challenge

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Feb 27, 2012, 5:56 pm

This is the discussion thread for Part 3: The Part About Fate - pages 229 to 350

Mar 5, 2012, 1:10 pm

Can't say I was all that impressed with the previous section but I ploughed ahead and finished this section last night and I am hooked. The storyline is really starting to come together although I am still wondering where it is going to end up.

This is my first novel by Bolano so I don't know if the wordiness is a common thing (and since this one was published after he died, I don't know if it would have been edited down) but I find the storyline really gets bogged down with all the details. I mean, did we really need to know the story of Lola chasing her poet? Maybe it is important and gets explained later on but it just seems to be a long off-topic ramble at this point.

That being said, I am enjoying it. I feel like I am a detective at times as I try to tease out the important bits and not miss anyting.

Jul 15, 2012, 11:15 pm

I am soooo far behind here it isn't even funny! Anyways, I managed to sit down this afternoon - miserable weather kept me indoors for the entire day - and read Part 3. Copying and pasting my comments, which are also posted on my thread:

I think I now have a handle on this group of connected stories that Bolano has written. Part 3 introduces a new character, and African American reporter facing a cross roads in his life when he is assigned to go to Santa Teresa to cover a boxing match. While the story is focused on our reporter, Oscar Fate, it is the tie in of characters from the previous parts and the story of the mysterious killings of the women that brings it all together in a more cohesive fashion than the previous two parts did. Bolano's approach to story telling seems more philosophical here while still maintaining his signature fluid and surreal stream of ideas storytelling. So far Part 3 is my favorite and I am looking forward to Part 4!