Francis Drake Landed in Oregon

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Francis Drake Landed in Oregon

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Nov 9, 2011, 2:55 pm

Have you had a chance to read "Francis Drake in Nehalem Bay 1579:Setting the Historical Record Straight"? It proves Drake land in Oregon and never set foot in California.

In a collaborative publishing agreement between Oregon State University Press, Corvallis and The University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Culture History have just released Oregon Archaeology by C. Melvin, Thomas J. Connolly, and Dennis L. Jenkins is the initial Oregon Universities notes that “Sir Francis Drake, carrying the flag of England around the world … may have landed at several places on the Oregon coast in 1579.”

This is the first academic inclusion of a recognized Drake landing site theory in recent years. It goes on to say they believed Drake’s actions were to; “measure his longitude (a major surveying task), repair his ships, and take on fresh water (Bawlf 2004, Gitzen 2008).”

It has previously been theorized by California historians that Drake had landed somewhere near the 38° N. latitude but new information has come to light which points to Drake never setting foot in what we know today as California. Bawlf’s “Sir Francis Drake’s Secret Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, AD 1579” first mentioned the Neahkahnie Mountain as the “point of position” where drake determined his longitude.

Garry Gitzen’s 2008 “Francis Drake in Nehalem Bay 1579, Setting the Historical Record Straight” provided the first lexicon of the entire visit, comparing various landing site theories and comparing Nehalem flora & fauna as recorded by Drake’s reverend Francis Fletcher’s journal “The World Encompassed by Francis Drake”. As well as correlation between the journal and the first Pacific Northwest aboriginal contacts of Spanish, English and others. Until 1579, the farthest point Europeans had sailed was Cape Mendocino which they used as a landmark since the mid-16th century when the Manila Galleons would reach the coast near Mendocino 40° 26′ 24.36″ N latitude by following the prevailing westerly’s all the way across the Pacific, then make their way down the coast all the way to Acapulco, Mexico. The landing farthest north was by the Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo in 1542 at San Miguel at 34° 2′ 23″ N. latitude.
The 16th century English method type survey Drake performed is recorded in detail in “Survey of Artifacts on Neahkahnie Mt” by Phil A. Costaggini of Oregon State University, 1982. Costaggini’s work was recently checked and certified to its accuracy in the report “Discussion and Review of Phillip Costaggini’s Project on Neahkahnie Mountain, Oregon, project leaders Peter Seaders and Beth Peutz, Oregon State University, 2009.

“This is great day for Oregon, and for its history” said Garry Gitzen after discovering the statement upon returning home from a meeting of the Oregon Archaeological Society in Portland where he had purchased the recently released Oregon Archaeology by C. Melvin, Thomas J. Connolly, and Dennis L. Jenkins; who are professorial members of the museum’s staff.

The book can be downloaded at soon!