
CharlasOxford English Dictionary - OED

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Sep 18, 2011, 4:36 am

whisht, int. Now dial.


Also 5 whischt, 7–9 wheesht.

A natural utterance, nearly identical with the 16th c. huissht (see husht int.1), and with whist int.1

An exclamation enjoining silence: Hush!

14‥ Whisht, whischt see quot. 1382 s.v. whist int.1. 1684 Meriton Yorksh. Dial. 53 Wheesht, wheesht, my Mother's coming up. 1725 Ramsay Gentle Sheph. iii. i. Prol., But whisht! it is the Knight in Masquerade, That comes. 1815 Scott Guy M. xlv, But whisht, I hear the keeper coming. 1893 Stevenson Catriona xxx, ‘Wheesht!’ said he, ‘this is my affairs’.

I did not realise that there were so many variants of this word. We use it occasionally in Scotland and I think it in usage in Eire too.

wheer, wheese, wheesh, wheesht, wheest, Wheeson

see where, weese, wheeze, whish, whisht, whist int.1, Whitsun.