Alliance-Union Universe

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Alliance-Union Universe

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Jul 7, 2011, 4:47 pm

I recently reread C.J. Cherryh, Merchanter's Luck. A personel favorite. Does she have another book that comes close to the characterizations or better yet a sequel?

Jul 8, 2011, 6:28 am

No direct sequels as such, but all of the Merchanter novels have that same sort of feel and characterisation even if the situations and people involved are sometimes very different. Tripoint and finity's end both feature younger crew.

Editado: Jul 8, 2011, 7:53 am

Finity's End

are all Merchanter books and they have a similar feel to 'Merchanter's Luck'

Also I would read:

Heavy Time and Hellburner which is a duology that takes place earlier (in the lead up to Downbelow Station) They will both give you what you're looking for.

I'm very attached to Merchanter's Luck I think it's a lovely book and a gentle entry point to Cherryh.

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