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mayo 1, 2007, 6:44 pm

So glad I found this group - I adore bookmarks although I wouldn't call myself a collector since I don't collect a specific type, vintage, etc.

I made a lot of my own bookmarks from papers, ribbons, beads, charms, odd jewelry bits...I have crossstitched a number of them over the years. I also love to make bookmarks with specific books in mind and tailor the bookmark to the book.

I also find myself using odd items as bookmarks that are suited to certain books. Years ago I was reading The Dirty Duck by Martha Grimes and came across a duck feather at the park. It has become a permanent bookmark in that one. I used an old railroad ticket stub while reading The Christmas Train by David Baldacci.

I purchase a large number of my books from used bookstores and library sales and am fascinated with the things other people have used in their books and left behind including a business card for a bail bondsman which was left in a book on the hidden books of the Bible, love letters, bill receipts, etc...

mayo 1, 2007, 10:32 pm

I like your idea of bookmarks that are pertinent to the book itself! Sometimes I know where I was when I was reading a book by the aeroplane boarding pass secreted away in there.

mayo 1, 2007, 11:43 pm

I collect bookmarks too. In fact, my web site has a regular column about them called "On Marking Books." LIke you, Kayaalder, for each book I pick up I choose a bookmark that suits it. I am reading AN ALPHABETICAL LIFE right now, and the bookmark is one of an antiquarian book. Perfect, and lovely.

mayo 2, 2007, 12:37 am

BiblioBuffet, you have a lovely website - I love the bookmark photos. I really need to get busy and make a few more - I have several books in progress right now and am having to start scrounging around. Most of the ones I've made recently have ended up in my daughter's books.

mayo 2, 2007, 11:46 am

Thank you, kayaalder . How did you get started making bookmarks? Do you use any special materials?

mayo 2, 2007, 12:25 pm

I began cross stitching them years ago. Later, as I branched out into jewelry making and some paper arts, it was a natural extension to use my materials for bookmarks.

For the ribbon ones, I usually take a piece of ribbon twice the size plus a bit of ribbon and any other fibers I want to use; I loop the middle through a largish (1/4 inch roughly) metal O ring and then tie the ends together and cut even. I attach beads and charms to the O ring.

Now that paper arts are so big, you can buy pre-cut cardstock made for bookmarks which you can then decorate by adding stickers, fibers, cut out items, dried flowers, etc. or decorate with paint, rubber stamps and that sort of thing. I punch a hole in one end and thread and knot a bit of embroidery floss to make a tassel.

Everything I use is readily available at any crafts store. Actually, some of my best finds for materials have been at the local dollar stores in the school / crafts supply section.

I don't have a digital camera but I'll try to borrow hubby's sometime soon and take some photos.