Devonport bookshop

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Devonport bookshop

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Editado: Ene 24, 2011, 1:34 am

Devonport is closing its doors, for those in Auckland take the chance to grab a bargain ....

always been a local indie book buyer really - but this came out of the blue, reminded me of the impact of our collective spending habits - me I rather give it to the great bookseller who gives me time & ideas not just a bargain. $$$ don't always allow it though, so spend some on Bokkdepository but for the physical stores its indie/local ....


Ene 24, 2011, 5:52 am

That bookshop was one of the main reasons I like Devonport!

Ene 25, 2011, 1:38 am

Yeah I discovered years ago when i live there in the 80's ... okay showing my age now :) - very sad to see it go