The Shalllows/Nicholas Carr

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The Shalllows/Nicholas Carr

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Ene 14, 2011, 11:55 pm

An important read dealing with how are brains are reshaped by internet use. His thoughts are well researched.

Ene 17, 2011, 2:02 pm

I agree, Deb, that this is a significant read. Did you get a sense of inevitability that we are all sliding down that slope he warns of?

I also serve as textbook coordinator for my school district, and this book had significant implications for the move to digital content.

Ene 18, 2011, 12:25 pm

I read this book right after reading Proust and the Squid. The concept that I find most troubling is that while the internet might be REshaping my middle-aged brain, it is shaping the brain of the middle school students I work with. Those of us over 25 or so had pre-internet years to develop our deep reading skills.

I find my retention of information is much lower when I read nonfiction on my Kindle versus print. Perhaps it's a matter of being a digital immigrant, but I think the implications of digital reading need further study before we jump to digital textbooks for all.

Hmm, seems like school libraries would be the best place to set up some longitudinal studies about print, electronic and internet reading!
