Series de libros para shaunie

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de shaunie

Resumen: 258 Serie

"Rabbit" Series

Adam Dalgliesh

Adrian Mole

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

African Trilogy

Alan Grant


Albert Campion

Alex Rider

Alexander Trilogy (Renault)

Alice Osemanverse (Chronologically)

The American Trilogy

Anna Lee

Anne of Green Gables

Ariadne Oliver

Artemis Fowl

Arthur Less

Aurelio Zen

Aviary Hall

The Balkan trilogy

The Barsetshire Chronicles

The Berlin Stories

Bernard Samson

Blue Door Theatre

The Book of Dust

Border Trilogy

The Borrowers

Boy in the Striped Pajamas

A Boy's Own Story

Brangwen Family

Bristol Trilogy



Cazalet Chronicles

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books

Charles Latimer

Children of Violence


The Chronicles of Chrestomanci: Chronological Order

The Chronicles of Chrestomanci: Publication Order

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order

The Chronicles of Prydain

Clara Batchelor Trilogy


Cold Comfort Farm

Cold Comfort Farm: Publication Order

Colonel Race

The Color Purple Collection

Commissario Brunetti

Cordelia Gray

Corfu Trilogy

Country Girls trilogy

Country House Mysteries

Cousin Rosamund Trilogy

Dalziel and Pascoe

Damernas Detektivbyrå

The Dark is Rising Sequence

David Balfour

Death in . . .

Dolphin Ring Cycle - Chronological order

Dolphin Ring Cycle - Publication order

Doomspell Trilogy

Dunne Family

Eagle of the Ninth Trilogy

The Earthsea Cycle

Eight Cousins

Eilis Lacey

Elizabeth and Her German Garden

Empire Trilogy

Fairway Players

First Trilogy

Five Towns Series

Fortunes of War

Francis Pettigrew

Frank Bascombe

Frederica Potter Quartet

French Trilogy

Frost in May Quartet

Game, Set, Match trilogy

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

George Smiley

Gervase Fen


The Giver

Goon Squad

The Handmaid's Tale

Hannah Wolfe

Hannibal Lecter Series

Harlem Saga

Harry Potter

Harry Potter's Schoolbooks


The Henry Williamson Animal Saga

Hercule Poirot

Hill of Gathering

His Dark Materials



The Human Comedy

The Hunger Games

Indian in the Cupboard

Inheritance Cycle


Inspector Appleby

Inspector Banks

Inspector Charlesworth

Inspector Chucky

Inspector Cockrill

Inspector Finch

Inspector Luke Thanet Mysteries

Inspector Mallett

Inspector Quantrill

Inspector Rebus

Inspector Wexford

Inspectors Hannasyde and Hemingway

Isadora Wing

Jack Reacher

Jackson Brodie

The Jacobite Trilogy

James Bond novels


Jemima Shore

Jingle Stones

John Putnam Thatcher

Josephine Tey Mysteries

Jungle Books


Karla Trilogy

Kate Brannigan

Katy Did

Kay Scarpetta

A Key to All Mythologies

Khalifa Brothers

Kurt Wallander

Languedoc Trilogy

Laurie Lee's Autobiographies

Legend of Sally Jones

Legend of Sally Jones

Legendeer Trilogy

The Levant trilogy

Like Water For Chocolate

Little House Novels, Chronological Order

Little House: The Laura Years

Little Women

The Lord of the Rings

Lord Peter Wimsey

Loretta Lawson

Lucy - Sykes

Lucy Barton

MaddAddam Trilogy

The Magic Faraway Tree

Magic Woodland


Malcolm Fox

Manawaka cycle


Marian Sutro

Marianne and Mark


Marlows - Holiday series

Marlows - School series

Marshal Guarnaccia

Mary Poppins (P. L. Travers)

Matthew Shardlake

Maya Angelou's Autobiographies

McNulty Family

Melendy Quartet


Miss Happiness and Miss Flower

Miss Marple

Miss Marple: Chronological

Misty of Chincoteague


Mortal Engines Quartet

My Struggle

Neapolitan Novels

The New York Trilogy

Nigel Strangeways

No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency


Noughts and Crosses

Old Filth

Olive Kitteridge

Olivia - Lehmann

The Once and Future King

Orphans of the Tide

Out of the Hitler Time

Outline Trilogy


Oz : Famous Forty

Pam Nilsen

Patrick Melrose

Peter Wimsey & Harriet Vane

Philip Marlowe

Philip Trent

Pippi Långstrump

The Prairie Trilogy

Provincial Lady

The Psammead Trilogy