Series de libros para magaliur

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de magaliur

Resumen: 81 Serie

(Clásicos del Siglo XX)

84 Charing Cross Road

Alice's Adventures

Alle verhalen van Ambrose Bierce

American Indian Lives

Andrew Lang's Fairy Books

Annals of the Western Shore

Annotated Alice

D'Artagnan Romances

Auguste Dupin

Autobiography of Isaac Asimov


Biblioteca Ilustrada de los Reinos Fantásticos

The Christmas Books of Charles Dickens

Ciclo europeo

Ciclo porteño


Cold Comfort Farm

Cold Comfort Farm: Publication Order

Corps et âmes

Crystal Bible

Cycle of the Absurd

Danziger Trilogie


Diary of Anais Nin

The Earthsea Cycle

Enchanted World

The Extraordinary Voyages

Fight Club

Frederica Potter Quartet

Godsfield Bibles

Goethe's Faust

Hainish Cycle

The Handmaid's Tale

The Happy Prince and Other Tales

Henry VI

Historia de las Religiones Siglo XXI

The History of Middle-Earth

Homer's Epic Cycle

Illusions {Bach}

Julio Cortazar Cuentos Completos

Jungle Books

The Kingkiller Chronicle

Kingsbridge {Chronological Order}

Kingsbridge {Publication Order}

The Library of Esoterica

The Lord of the Rings

Mapp and Lucia

The Marie Antoinette romances

Max Gallo: Napoléon

The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II

Memory of Fire


Obras Completas de Macedonio Fernández

Our Ancestors


Oz : Famous Forty

Paraguay Trilogy

PDR Selected Essays

Peter Pan

Poppykettle Series

Reginald Perrin

Remo Erdosain

Rosemary's Baby

Shakespeare's Sonnets

A Song of Ice and Fire

Tales of the Unexpected [Dahl]

Talking It Over

Taschen 25th Anniversary

Taschen : Basic Art

Taschen Bibliotheca Universalis

Teachings of Don Juan

Trilogía fantástica

Trilogía Involuntaria

Trilogía Sábato

The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin

Unfinished Tales

Valdemar Gótica

Watership Down

The Wicked Years

World Mythology Series