Nube de autores para coghead

Douglas Adams(6) Renée Ahdieh(1) Sterling Archer(1) Isaac Asimov(2) Greg Bak(1) Dave Barry(8) John Barth(1) Matthew Bennardo(2) Home Depot Books(2) Sam Bourne(1) Ben Bova(1) T.C. Boyle(1) Ray Bradbury(1) Alan Bradley(4) Max Brooks(2) Jeffrey Brown(1) W. Bruce Cameron(1) Orson Scott Card(1) Randy Cassingham(1) Michael Chabon(3) Tom Clancy(8) Brock Clarke(1) Brian Clegg(1) Suzanne Collins(1) Douglas Coupland(10) Michael Crichton(3) Robertson Davies(7) Gideon Defoe(1) Patrick deWitt(1) Seth Dickinson(1) Matthew Diffee(1) Reader's Digest(1) Roddy Doyle(6) Gardner Dozois(3) Egmont Books Ltd (firm)(1) Raymond E. Feist(9) David Feldman(1) Jasper Fforde(4) Jude Fisher(1) Ken Follett(1) Charles Frazier(1) Neil Gaiman(2) William Gibson(1) Wayne Gladstone(1) Tom; Sitch Gleisner, Rob Cilauro Santo;(1) Harold Goldberg(1) Daryl Gregory(1) John Grisham(7) Austin Grossman(1) Sara Gruen(1) Mark Haddon(1) Jack Handey(1) Harry Harrison(3) Stephen Hawking(1) Robert A. Heinlein(1) Joseph Heller(3) Niles, Hezekiah(1) Lawrence Hill(1) Christopher Hitchens(1) Robin Hobb(6) Anthony Horowitz(1) Polly Horvath(1) Khaled Hosseini(1) L. Ron Hubbard(1) Eric Idle(1) Chris Impey(1) John Irving(10) Mick Jackson(1) Kim "Howard" Johnson(1) Paul Johnson(1) Jonas Jonasson(1) Robert Jordan(15) L. E. Modesitt, Jr.(20) Garrison Keillor(2) Stephen King(11) W. P. Kinsella(4) Robert Kirkman(4) Harper Lee(1) Edward M. Lerner(1) Marina Lewycka(1) Jeff Lindsay(1) John Lloyd(1) Yann Martel(2) George R. R. Martin(6) Richard Matheson(1) John McCabe(1) Patrick McCabe(1) Anne McCaffrey(13) Rick Moody(1) Alan Moore(1) Audrey Niffenegger(1) Larry Niven(1) Ryan North(1) Jody Lynn Nye(1) The Oatmeal(4) Philip E. Orbanes(1) George Orwell(2) Michael Palin(1) Tom Perrotta(1) Charles Portis(1) Annie Proulx(1) Mario Puzo(1) Paul Quarrington(2) Matthew Quick(3) Tom Rachman(1) Loree Rackstraw(1) Feist Raymo(1) Mordecai Richler(4) Andy Riley(2) Rebecca Roanhorse(1) Joel Rosenberg(5) Davy Rothbart(1) Graham Roumieu(2) Salman Rushdie(3) Jerry Scott(1) Charles J. Shields(1) Robert Silverberg(1) Lemony Snicket(1) Simon Spurrier(1) Neal Stephenson(3) Corey Taylor(1) Graham Taylor(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(3) John Kennedy Toole(1) Sue Townsend(3) Brady Udall(1) Kurt Vonnegut(14) Good Wives and Warriors(1) Bill Watterson(1) Jack Whyte(1) Tim Winton(1) Steve Wozniak(1) John Wyndham(2) Neil Zawacki(1) Markus Zusak(1)