Series de libros para anutany

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de anutany

Resumen: 114 Serie


Acts of Caine

Alex Verus

All Creatures Great and Small - UK

All Creatures Great and Small - US

All Souls

American Gods


Augusten Burroughs autobiographies

The Baroque Cycle

Bill Bryson's Complete Notes

Bill Bryson's Travels

The Black Jewels Series

Bloodsounder's Arc

Bobby Dollar

The Book of Lost Things

The Brentford Trilogy

Bridget Jones

The Broken Empire

The Broken Empire World

Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne

The Chronicles of the Deryni

The Cinder Spires

Codex Alera

Cold Comfort Farm

Cold Comfort Farm: Publication Order

Commandant Camille Verhoeven: UK/US pub order

Commonwealth Universe

Corfu Trilogy


Deryni Novels: chronological order

Deryni Novels: publication order

Deryni Novels: timeline

Dirk Gently


Discworld: Rincewind

The Divine Cities


The Dresden Files


The Eastwick Novels

Ender Saga

Ender's Game


Les enquêtes de Nicolas Le Floch, commissaire au Châtelet

The Farseer Trilogy

Garrett P.I.

The Gentleman Bastards Sequence

Great Tales from English History

The Handmaid's Tale

Histoire de la vie privée

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hollows


The Hunger Games

Hyperion Cantos

The Inheritance Trilogy

J.W. Wells


Kay Scarpetta

Keeper's Chronicles

The Kingkiller Chronicle

Kushiel's Legacy

A Land Fit for Heroes


London Below

The Magicians

Malazan Book of the Fallen

Malazan Chronology

A Midwife Mystery


Mistborn Era 1

Nicholas Fandorin

The Night Angel Trilogy



Oxford Time Travel

Peculiar Crimes Unit/Bryant and May

Phèdre Trilogy


The Rat

Realm of the Elderlings

The Red Queen's War Trilogy

Rivers of London


Roma Sub Rosa {Chronological Order}

Roma Sub Rosa {Publication Order}

Roman Imperial Biographies

The Romanovs

Romantic Poets and Nephilim

The Rosie Trilogy (Graeme Simsion)


Sex Lives of the . . .

Shadow Police

A Song of Ice and Fire

Sookie Stackhouse

The Stormlight Archive

Sword & Barrow

Takeshi Kovacs

Tales of the Kin

Thursday Next

The Traitor Son Cycle

Trilogía animal

Vincenzo Malinconico

Void Trilogy

Vorkosigan: Chronological Order

Vorkosigan: Publication Order

Warrior Kings

A Wild Sheep Chase

Wolf Hall Trilogy

World of Malazan

Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles


Zoo Memoirs