Series de libros para 036699

Series a las que pertenecen libros de la biblioteca de 036699

Resumen: 57 Serie

20,000 years of world painting

Autobiography of Mark Twain

Batsford British Battles

Bluejackets' Manual

Burke Davis Civil War

Captain Blood

CERA Bulletin


Civil War America

Civilizations Rise and Fall

Connecting a Continent

David Balfour

Encyclopedia of Discovery and Exploration, Doubleday edition

The Exorcist

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

The Flashman Papers

Frank McCourt's Memoirs

The Gill History of Ireland

The Green Flag

Hinges of History

History of Ireland and the Irish Diaspora

A History of the Trans-Appalachian Frontier

Horizon Caravel Book

Images of America [Arcadia]

An Irish History of Civilization

Irish Treasures

Jack Finney's Time and Again

John Mortimer's autobiography

The Journals of James Boswell


Mainstream of America Series

Matthew Hervey


National Geographic Book

The New American Nation

NPR Curious Listener's Guides

The Once and Future King

Osprey Campaign

Oxford Histories

The Oxford History of the United States

Oxford Illustrated History

The Oxford Oral History Series

Pax Britannica Trilogy

Pelican History of England

The Peopling of British North America

Photographic Tour series

Plain Tales from the British Empire

Reginald Perrin

Rumpole of the Bailey

The Story of Man Library

The Story of the Hudson's Bay Company

Thomas Flanagan Trilogy

Time Capsule

Tom Brown

Trinity and Redemption

The Turf-Cutter's Donkey

Wonders of Man