Nombre verdadero
Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire
Sobre mi biblioteca
I don't know if this means books I love or books that I have written. My favourite authors and Henry James, Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare, and H. P. Lovecraft. My newest books include: BOHEMIANS OF SESQUA VALLEY (Arcane Wisdom Press), ENCOUNTERS WITH ENOCH COFFIN (Dark Regions Press), THE STRANGE DARK ONE--TALES OF NYARLATHOTEP (Miskatonic River Press), UNCOMMON PLACES (Hippocampus Press) and SOME UNKNOWN GULF OF NIGHT (Arcane Wisdom Press).
Sobre mí
I am delighted to be here in this Literary Realm. I am a writer of Lovecraftian weird fiction with a special interest in the prose-poem and vignette form.
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