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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
May 11, 2006
Sobre mi biblioteca
Until the end of college, I thought buying books was stupid; that's what the library was for. I had to buy books for classes and loved owning them and after I found some good used bookstores (Daedalus on the downtown mall in Charlottesville and the friends of the library store in Orange), buying books became a bit of an addiction. I'm missing some of my favorite books, though, since I read library copies. I also have a whole mess of books I still haven't read yet (they're marked as such).
Sobre mí
High school English teacher.
Orange, VA
Actualmente leyendo
Favoritos del sitio

Librerías: Daedalus Bookshop, Friends of the Library Bookstore

Bibliotecas: Orange County Public Library, The Edgar Shannon Library

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