
NONE (1,271), LUTH (132), singing school 9x6 (123), hymn lore (77), LUTHERAN (50), round notes (49), oblong tune book (47), CATH (46), singing school 10 x7 (30), CATHOLIC (29), METHODIST (26), PRESBYTERIAN (24), PRESBY (22), figured base (19), 4 staves (15), Dr. Raymond Comstock Collection (13), singing school not 9 x 6 (13), PROTESTANT (12), ? (12), UNITED BRETHREN (12), CHURCH OF ENG. (10), CONGREGATIONAL (10), UNIVERSALIST (10), BAPTIST (10), UNITARIAN (10), shape notes (9), melody in tenor (9), NONE  (8), treble and bass clefs (8), METHODIST EPISCOPAL (8), BABTIST (8), COVENANT (8), 4 part (7), EVANGELICAL (6), PROTESTAN EPISCOPAL (6), 2-4 staves (6), JEWISH (6), Tenor c clef (6), RLDS (6), Perkins family (6), METH (6), 4 staffs (5), UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST (4), facsimile (4), EPISCOPAL (4), 2-4 staffs (4), MENNONITE (4), COVENENT (4), CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (4), ANGLICAN (4), REFORMED (4), g cleff (4), 3-4 staves (3), F clef (3), round note (3), concordance (3), RADIO (3), hynn lore (3), Denominational hymnbook (3), copied to ipad (3), treble and bass (2), UNITED CHURCH OF CANA (2), J OF C OF LATTER DAY (2), Perkins signature (2), RLSD (2), singing school admission ticket (2), singing school not 9 x 6. (2), EPISCABLE (2), EPISCAPAL (2), N0NE (2), 7 shapes (2), tenor c cleff (2), 0blong tune book (2), UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA (2), PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL (2), 7 TH DAY ADVENTISTS (2), EXCELL (2), Bach (2), Gospel (2), 10 by 7 (2), AREMENIAN (2), COVANENT (2), organ (2), MORAVIAN (2), REFORMED & FREE CHURCH (2), g (2), GER REFORM (2), CHURCH OF ENG. IN CANADA (2), rectangular format (2), METHODIST EPISCOPA;L (2), camp meeting (2), CHRISTIAN REFORM (2), SHAKER (2), NONE N (2), JEHOVAH'S WITNESS (2), f clef (2), UNITED METHODIST (2), PROTESTAN (2), NEW J (2), NON (2), REFORMED CHURCH (2), MORMON (2), Sunday school (2), song books (2), white spirituals (2), JEW (2), none (2), SWEDISH (2), CHURCH OF GOD (2), PROT (2), APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN (2), FINNISH (2), SCIENCE OF THE MIND (2), PROTESTANT EPISCABLE (2), shaker (2), NAZARENE (2), BRETHREN (2), CHURCH OF ENG (2), SPIRITUALIST (2), melody 3rd staff. (2), treble (2), bass and tenor c clefs (2), Tune book (2), G clef (2), WELSH (2), REORGANIZED (2), figured base. Bar single bar lines at ends of phrase (1), F and tenor c cleffs (1), manual signs diagrams (1), tenor ttop sfaff (1), german (1), singing school 9.5 by 6.5 (1), SINGING SCHOOL (1), 3-4 staffs (1), melody in treble voice (1), metronome markings (1), SINGING SCHOOL (1), SINGING SCHOOL (1), SHAPE NOTE (1), SINGING SCHOOL (1), SHAPE NOTE (1), SHAPE NOTE (1), hymn lotr (1), CAMP MEETING (1), SINGING SCHOOL (1), SINGING SCHOOL (1), SINGNG SCHOOL (1), CAMP MEETING (1), white spirutuals (1), hymnlore (1), jymn lore (1), tenor top sfaff (1), singing school 10.5 x 7.5 (1), f cleff (1), words only (1), Psalms with music (1), Breeches Bible (1), TEMPERANCE (1), digital download (1), German and English (1), BACH (1), Shape notes (1), Oblong (1), clefs (1), natvie american (1), vocal exercises (1), glees (1), Radio (1), bass clef (1), Denominaltion hymnbook (1), Tenor (1), alto (1), William Billings (1), Lutheran (1), gregorian chant (1), gregorian (1), Geneva Bible (1), Congregational (1), tenor (1), soprano (1), Mennonite (1), facsimile edition (1), Bible (1), Watts Hymnal (1), Merill Lott (1), Archival box (1), 3 staves. (1), .round notes (1), tenor c clef (1), f and tenor clef (1), spurned notes (1), 2 & 4 staves (1), copied to I pad (1), copied to i pad (1), 3 -4 staves. (1), not oblong (1), Singing school (1), 2 staves (1), 9 by 5 (1), 3 staves (1), 6.5 by 9.5 inches (1), midwest rail road advertising (1), melody tenor line (1), 9.5 by 10 cm (1), Polish hymns and folk tunes (1), new musical notation system (1), not singing school (1), singing school 9 x 6: Perkins (1), singing school 9 by 4 (1), Hand monitor method (1), Palestrina tune (1), Andrew Law (1), patent notes (1), Non denominational hymnbook (1), A.N.Johnson (1), music box advertising (1), tenor clef on b (1)
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Mar 10, 2017
Sobre mi biblioteca
Hymnbooks, hymn lore, 18 and 19 th century singing school books. Also 19th, 20th , 21 st century hymn books , many denominations, many languages including Ojibwe, Hawaiian, German, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, English and Swahili.
Sobre mí
Author of the play "The Singing School". A play with music about 18th and 19 th century singing school movement in Massachusetts.

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