Nombre verdadero
Michelle Scott
Sobre mi biblioteca
I'll read anything from classic literature to chick lit to non-fiction, but I'm partial to urban fantasy and horror. My favorite thing is to discover a great new book that no one else is talking about (yet) and talk it up! And I really enjoy reading other indie authors as well.
Sobre mí
Vampires, evil magicians, and terrible things that creep out from under your bed while you sleep...these are the things that haunt my books.

I've published both traditionally and as an indie, and my books range from YA to adult. My novel, "The Dragons of Hazlett" was nominated for a 2009 Eppie Award. I've also published over a dozen short stories in such places as Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show and Tales of the Unanticipated.

I've been married for over twenty-three years and have three, wonderful kds. When I'm not writing or reading, I love to knit, garden, and go to the movies.
Detroit, MI
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