
proms (54), mahler2 (8), mahler6 (7), mahler3 (6), mahler5 (4), mahler9 (4), mahler1 (3), brahmsreq (3), berliozreq (3), bruckner4 (3), mahler4 (3), brahmspno2 (3), haitink (2), schumann2 (2), bruckner8 (2), elgar2 (2), mahler7 (2), rstraussalpine (2), british (2), elgar (2), wagner (2), usa (2), photography (2), ww1 (2), baker (2), verdireq (2), beethoven4 (1), brahmspno1 (1), lisztpno1 (1), bach organ works (1), cadogan hall (1), mahler8 (1), wexford friends (1), lutoslawski3 (1), elgarkingdom (1), hall one (1), mozart39 (1), elgargerontius (1), mendelssohn4 (1), szymanowskiviol2 (1), brahms2 (1), schubert9 (1), bruckner9 (1), beethoven8 (1), schubert5 (1), brahms3 (1), tchaikovsky5 (1), beethoven5 (1), haydn98 (1), schumann4 (1), tchaikovsky6 (1), mozart35 (1), schumannpno (1), rachmaninov2 (1), bachbminor (1), tchaikovskyviol (1), brahmsviol (1), brahms4 (1), dutilleux (1), haydn104 (1), war artists (1), giorgione (1), delius (1), op-art (1), polyphony (1), installations (1), berlioz (1), pollock (1), verdi (1), mobiles (1), recital (1), rothko (1), strauss (1), mozart (1), impressionism (1), gardens (1), drawings (1), venice (1), ww2 (1), sculpture (1), abstracts (1), still (1), brian1 (1), british modernists (1), german (1), dudamel (1), du pré (1), russia/n (1), cpe bach (1), wire sculpture (1), boult (1), barbirolli (1), monet (1), tallis (1), LPO (1), 16th.C. (1), mezzo (1), lullabys (1), surrealism (1), cuba (1), bach (1), schoenberg (1), barenboim (1), royal pictures (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Dec 16, 2007
Sobre mi biblioteca
Nothing here is in my possession although it all was once (save the series completers mentioned above).
Sobre mí
I am abbottthomas. I created this account to hold a wish list but that way madness lies! If I don't buy a recommended book when it's hot then I don't want to be reminded years later of what I am missing.

I am biting the bullet and clearing out some ephemera, specifically concert programmes and the small free notes provided by art galleries for their special exhibitions. I don't need the clutter but do need reminding that I went so these things will be scanned and listed here. For the concert programmes, the title is the main work (or works) with the date attended, together with any necessary descriptive information (e.g. Prom Concert). The concert venue is the nominal 'Author', the performance details are in 'Comments' and the orchestra is usually credited as publisher.

I shall continue to use this account to add books I don't own but are needed to complete a LT series. I will use the red Loeb cover for any in this category. I'm starting with some Observer's Books.
Somewhere in SE England