
spirituality (109), contemporary lit (97), poetry (84), logos (76), linguistics (76), contemporary fiction (65), religion (62), philosophy (54), celtic (48), occult (46), fantasy (46), mythology (45), american poetry (40), classics (39), druidry (37), mysticism (37), contemporary poetry (35), fiction (32), history (29), dictionary (28), ritual (28), christianity (27), anthology (26), pagan (26), modern lit (26), memoir (25), inspirational (25), nature (24), political philosophy (24), science (22), theoretical linguistics (22), american fiction (21), witchcraft (21), foreign language dictionary (21), magic (20), collected works (19), writing (19), modern fiction (18), humor (17), sociology (17), comparative religions (14), ecology (14), art (13), islam (13), children's fiction (12), short stories (11), politics (11), sci-fi (11), faery faith (11), poetics (10), current affairs (9), computational linguistics (9), programming (8), american lit (8), archeology (7), language (7), ancient religions (7), english dictionary (7), divination (7), physics (7), shamanism (6), semantics (6), psychology (6), modern poetry (6), buddhism (6), media (5), cosmology (5), saints (5), occult encyclopedia (4), herbalism (4), I KNOW THIS AUTHOR! (4), anthropology (4), paganism (4), judaism (4), birds (4), biology (4), I WROTE THIS (3), deep ecology (3), cereology (3), popular linguistics (3), human evolution (3), drawing (3), astronomy (3), tarot (3), field guide (3), taoism (3), phenomenology (3), instructional (3), trees (3), chapbook (2), bible interpretation (2), polytheism (2), ufology (2), hermetics (2), photography (2), sacred geometry (2), music (2), ethics (2), modern literature (2), postmodern (2), evolution (2), nonviolence (2), gardening (1), economy (1), love (1), warriorship (1), Buddhism (1), journaling (1), feminism (1), folklore (1), hinduism (1), distopia (1), rhetoric (1), education (1), existentialism (1), comparative religion (1), nordic (1), liberalism (1), shinto (1), naturalism (1), drama (1), anarchism (1), spoken word (1), cooking (1), prose poetry (1), weather (1), nature writing (1), grammar (1), local culture (1), chemistry (1), relativity (1), space and time (1), fary faith (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
May 8, 2007
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
Subjects of particular interest are...

...in nonfiction: comparative religion, philosophy, political philosophy, poetics, creative writing, poetry (particularly contemporary, though I have a soft spot for mystic/spiritual poetry, as well as some of the Romantics), Druidry, Celtic mythology (and comparative mythology in general), the occult and Western esoteric traditions.

...in fiction: mostly quality fantasy and sci-fi (especially sci-fi with humor and postmodern quirkiness), and the occasional indispensable classics and eco-feminist literature.

Sobre mí
"Even when reading is impossible, the presence of books acquired (by passionate devotion to them) produces such an ecstasy that the buying of more books than one can peradventure read is nothing less than the soul reaching towards infinity … we cherish books even if unread, their mere presence exudes comfort, their ready access, reassurance."

- Alfred Edward Newton (1863 - 1940)

Young woman living in Pittsburgh, trying to build a career as a working poet while earning a living as a waitress (for the time being--I expect the big bucks from my brilliant, ground-breaking poetic works to start rolling in any day now ;). This is what a distinguished-honors-degree-in-philosophy-valedictorian-of-her-college-class does when her ideals overrule her parents' hopes that she'll get a "real job." She waits tables and reads lots of books while sitting in the park.


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