Nombre verdadero
Shanna Riley
Sobre mi biblioteca
My collection of books is probably one of my most treasured possessions. I usually order bunches of books, and am - because of it - years behind on my reading. Even as a child, my greatest fear was dying and not finishing the books I was reading or ever getting to the ones left on my list!
Sobre mí
My name is Shanna (yes, named after the book). I live in the southern U.S. with my three cats (Gia, JoJo and Maggie) and adorable, Cajun boyfriend, Baret. This is me.

I'm 29, a true-blue Scorpio (Nov. 6) [Pluto Is A Planet!]. To pay the bills, I am an I.T. Tech and web designer with my own small web design business on the side.

Though I get paid to work with computers, my true gift and passion is writing (and reading!). My website is peppered with my various stories, poetry, & erotica - I've also had some of my erotica published. I write (almost) daily for a number of blogs I run.
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