
Sobre mi biblioteca
Books I have read in 2011

* The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness (recommend) (Fiction)
* Before I go to Sleep - SJ Watson (recommend) (Thriller/Fiction)
* Black Glass - Meg Mundell (Fiction)
* Blue Skies - Helen Hodgeman (Fiction)
* Going Bovine - Libba Bray (recommend) (Fiction)
* Looking for Alaska - John Green (Fiction)
* Will Grayson Will Grayson - John Green + David Levithan (fiction - recommend)
* An Abundance of Katherines - John Green
* Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett (sci-fi)recommend the entire City Watch Discworld Series.
* Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett (sci-fi)
* Men at Arms - Terry Pratchett (sci-fi)
* The Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett
* Night Watch - Terry Pratchett
* Thud - Terry Pratchett (Sci-fi)
* Caribou Island - David Vann (Fiction)
* The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde (nerdy book sci-fi) (heartily recommend the entire Thursday Next series)
* Lost in a Good Book - Jasper Fforde (sci-fi)
* The Well of Lost Plots - Jasper Fforde (sci-fi)
* Something Rotten - Jasper Fforde (sci-fi)
* First Among Sequels - Jasper Fforde (sci-fi)
* Dark Matter - Michele Paver (Horror - recommend)
* Empire of Ants - Bernard Werber
* The Fry Chronicles - Stephen Fry (autobiography - recommend)
* By a Slow River - Phillipe Claudel (Fiction)
* Light Boxes - Shane Jones (Fiction)
* Shades of Grey - Jasper Fforde (sci-fi - recommend)
* And Then we Came to an End - Joshue Ferris (fiction - recommend). A must read for all those people who have lost a job due to a company going bankrupt.
* Angelica - Adam Phillips (Fiction)
* The 33 - Stephen Franklin (Biography of the 33 trapped miners in Chile.)
* The Imperfectionalist - Tom Rachman (fiction)
* The Big Over Easy - Jasper Fforde (sci-fi)
* Methland - Nick Reding (Non-fiction)
* The Ask and the Answer - Patrick Ness (fiction - recommend)
* The Lover's Dictionary - David Levithan (Fiction - recommend)
* Black Flies - Shannon Burke (Fiction - recommend)
* Monsters of Men - Patrick Ness (Fiction - recommend)
* Super Sad True Love Story - Gary Shteyngart (Fiction - recommend)
* The Unnamed - Joshua Ferris (Fiction - recommend)
* The Snowman - Jo Nesbo (Crime)
* The Tiger's Wife - Tea Obreht (Fiction - recommend)
* The Bird Room - Chris Klein (Fiction)
* Hell on the Way to Heaven - Chrissie Foster (Biography - recommend) if you can get passes the gruesome subject matter this book is an eye opener and well worth the read.
* A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness (Fiction)
* HP and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling (sci-fi)
* When We Have Wings - Claire Corbett (Fiction - recommend)
Ignore the vomitous cover design and give this a go.
* The Cyprus House - Michael Koryta (Crime)
* Monsieur Linh and his Daughter - Phillipe Claudel (Fiction). This is one of my favourite authors, but this is not his best work. Read Brodeck's Report.
* The Glass House - Jeannette Walls (Memoir - recommend)
* Zombies vs Unicorns - Various (fantasy - recommend)
Team Zombie..... even though Unicorns can fart rainbows.
* The Sisters Brothers - Patrick DeWitt (Fiction - recommend)
* Drink Me - Skye Rogers (Memoir) - One woman's true story of her relationship with a man who becomes an alcoholic.
* The Maze Runner - James Dashner (fiction - recommend)
* The Last Dragonslayer - Jasper Fforde (fantasy)
* Small Acts of Resistance - Steve Crawshaw & John Jackson (non-fiction)
* American Subversive - Goodwillie (Fiction)
* One day - David Nicholls (fiction)
* Ours are the streets (Fiction)
* The Broken Ones - Stephen M. Irwin (crime-ish recommend)
* Genesis - Bernard Beckett (sci-fi)
* My name is Mary Sutter - Robin Oliveira (Fiction)
* A visit from the goon squad - Jennifer Egan (Fiction)
* You'll be sorry when i'm dead - Marieke Hardy (biography)
* The sense of an ending - Julian Barnes (Fiction)

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