
ESL (10), fiction (1), to raise their awareness about how bad it was and how they should be thankful for the freedom that they have. (1), but the history is true. It is all about the yellow fever epidemic that broke out in Europe in 1793. A great history lesson lies within the book (1), Pathways Theme: Yesterday. I love this book. It's a historical fiction book (1), and the results of their perseverance. (1), their discovery of the truth (1), they would get to see the spiritual journey's that these four fantastic heroes went on (1), and Spiritual Journey. With this book I would teach the kids a good history lesson! Also (1), Pathways Theme: Heroes (1), with this book we take a look at a group of peaceful Indians whose children were forced to assimilate to the White man's ways. Definitely a good historical book for the classroom! (1), Pathways Theme: Yesterday. A misconception about Indians is that they were violent. However (1), and fighting for what they believe in; what they know is right. (1), I want students to know about perseverance (1), Pathways Theme: Heroes. I would also put this under the theme Yesterday to teach students about slavery. Ultimately though (1), ESL - Pathways Theme: Friends & Family. (1), Pathways Theme: Yesterday. This would be a book for older children. I love this book! It talks about slavery. I'd use it to teach kids about slavery (1), to inform them (1), fun (1), Pathways Theme: Spiritual Journey. I want my students to see that Jesus loves them for exactly who they are. I would use this book to help reinforce that concept in their lives. Jesus doesn't care what you've done or where you've been--He just loves you f (1), and nature--even little birds! (1), ESL - Pathways Theme: Personal Feelings & Growth. I would use this book to show the students that they can learn from lots of different people. It isn't just the teacher. They can learn from friends (1), or taking a big step in life is hard for ANYBODY! Everyone gets those "first-day jitters!" (1), ESL - Pathways Theme: Personal Feelings & Growth. This is a PERFECT book to show kids that adjusting to a new environment (1), that friend can be other people's friend too! Friends can be shared. (1), ESL - Pathways Theme: Friends & Family. I would use this book to teach young children that if they have a friend (1), Pathways theme: Friends and Family. I would use this in my classroom to demonstrate the Do's & Don't's to making new friends! (1), ESL - Also (1), manners (1), never giving up (1), Yesterday (1), family (1), and it is definitely a page turner. (1)
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Sep 20, 2010
Nombre verdadero
Sobre mí
I love music, books, and people.