Nombre verdadero
Sobre mi biblioteca
I love science fiction and fantasy especially dystopian books. I love to read about history and also enjoy a good amount of historical fiction. I have a particular interest in books about royalty. I am an old school SK fan. There is little I wouldn't read! I am always looking for new books. If I am not reading a book, I don't feel complete!

Books are the blessed chloroform of the mind :]
Sobre mí
I have long brown hair.
I love to read and hang out with my boyfriend.
He is the love of my life.
Reading is my one true passion!
{Future librarian}
I'm a 19 year old college student.
I work at my campus library and it's an awesome job. ^_^
I'm an Aries (go Rams!)
I love animals, especially cats.
I think mermaids are beauuuutiful.
I'm obsessed with Disney princesses.
I also love: chobits, anime, manga, doujinshi, fanfiction, sailor moon, kingdom hearts, harry potter, nail polish, and cheese
sunny florida