
comedy (70), drama (46), television series (33), horror (28), cartoons (24), science fiction (19), family values (14), death personified (9), parody (9), true love (9), ghosts (8), disability (8), shakespeare (8), mystery (7), mental illness (6), television (6), fairy tales (5), time travel (5), transvestites (5), stop action (4), music (4), race relations (4), animation (4), recording of live performance (4), animated (4), live music theater singy thing (4), puppets (3), Monty Python (3), hardboiled detective (3), stage play (3), funny little blue thing (3), Mel Brooks (3), knitting (3), feminism (3), guest stars (3), teen angst (3), police procedural (3), mel brooks (3), quests (3), Scotland (3), noseyparker little old ladies (3), zombies (2), end of the world (2), animal rights (2), mice (2), childrearing (2), Marx brothers (2), witches (2), Charles Addams (2), fluffitude (2), stage production (2), Brendan Fraser (2), classical music (2), nostalgia for childhood (2), transformation (2), tall tales (2), phobias (2), Peter Sellers (2), wierd italian horror film (2), standup comedy (2), fantasies (2), Terry Gilliam (2), vampire (2), movie making (2), daydreams (2), bureacratic underworld (2), mad scientists (2), updated production (2), opera (2), towels (2), Australia (2), angels (2), grumpy old misers (2), pointy eared elves (2), fairies (2), True Christmas Spirit (2), librarians (2), Roaring Twenties (2), war (2), Middle Earth (2), adaptation from novels (2), Shakespeare (2), friendship (2), books (2), retribution (2), rats (2), fairy tales gone wrong (1), cunning plans (1), devious antiheroes (1), struck down by divine lightning (1), Elsinore (1), questionable business practices (1), trompe l'oeil painting (1), Romani aeunt domus (1), faux Carroll (1), authentic North Country gibberish (1), don't look in the trunk (1), proper treatment of women (1), robots from the future (1), john wayne was a fag (1), can they even get passports anymore? (1), bad kung fu (1), village fetes (1), plasticine chickens (1), metafilm (1), John Watson-crime doctor (1), daughter gone wrong (1), Zefirelli (1), Great Rings (1), inappropriate childrearing technique (1), religious fanatic (1), angels incarnate (1), clueless environmentalists (1), mutant sheep (1), copy of a videotape of a television performance (1), hardly crap at all (1), repetitive music (1), dithering twits (1), claustrophobic Fifties (1), multiple funerals (1), single set (1), you only have one job? (1), hot jazz (1), family reconciliation (1), eyebrow fetish (1), authentic Old West gibberish (1), Mikado (1), Illinois Nazis (1), chocolate chocolate and more c (1), obnoxious kids (1), criminal underworld (1), faux Norse gods (1), faux Wicca (1), japanese film (1), headless Hessians (1), Hugh Laurie (1), play within a play (1), Gothic literature (1), yucky kissing (1), health inspectors (1), importance of voting (1), elder rights (1), unlikely political campaigns (1), Richard Burton (1), inheriting the throne (1), Italy (1), invented diseases (1), travelling orchestra (1), sarcastic ghosts (1), restaurant critics (1), axe murderer (1), fluffles (1), revolutions in poultry (1), monastic peccadillos (1), impossible science (1), chikkin pot pie (1), Beethoven (1), primogeniture (1), lanky Pippin Apple Bonkers (1), tangoes (1), KnitMaster 2000 (1), faux Vikings (1), cracking toast (1), fraudulent con men (1), mechanical pants (1), dead mothers (1), David Byrne (1), psychic talents (1), Patrick Stewart version (1), cold gin (1), Kennedy assassination coverup (1), creepy eyeball-palm dude (1), bad adaptations (1), Alastair Sim verson (1), Elvis impersonators (1), cowboy mummies (1), stage performances (1), off the air (1), Zeffirelli (1), dead parrots (1), Jeremy Brett (1), evil stepfathers (1), three duties (1), Spanish civil war (1), country and western (1), men in tights (1), New Zealand (1), nuns (1), gangs (1), drug addiction (1), identity crisis (1), Holocaust (1), labyrinths (1), nadsat (1), spies (1), penguins (1), aging (1), pirates (1), goats (1), hamlet (1), falling stars (1), restaurants (1), chefs (1), plague (1), androids (1), beer (1), impersonation (1), genetic modification (1), haunted hotel (1), claustrophobia (1), mental disabilities (1), hitchcock (1), computers (1), libraries (1), soccer (1), lycanthropy (1), supernatural (1), family (1), humor (1), obsession (1), vampires (1), Beatles (1), book to movie (1), cinema (1), history (1), trains (1), religion (1), prison (1), undead (1), historical (1), intrigue (1), little people (1), paranoia (1), Chicago (1), poverty (1), inheritance (1), illusion (1), houses (1), Sherlock Holmes (1), genetic manipulation (1), adrift (1), crossdressing (1), government conspiracies (1), Lewis Carroll (1), Alfred Hitchcock (1), becoming human (1), Eartha Kitt (1), arachnophobia (1), lumberjacks (1), Errol Flynn (1), terry gilliam (1), trade unions (1), Elizabeth Taylor (1), Gilbert and Sullivan (1), Macbeth (1), John Adams (1), black humor (1), Wim Wenders (1), Hitchcock (1), documentary (1), adultery (1), sequel (1), homosexuality (1), Texas (1), death (1), World War II (1), mythology (1), nursing homes (1), Michael York (1), Mardi Gras (1), murder (1), Kurosawa (1), cello (1), typefaces (1), submarine warfare (1), circus performers (1), blues (1), horsies (1), Stephen Fry (1), magic tricks (1), board games (1), P.G. Wodehouse (1), television show (1), mozart (1), concert (1), gourmet cooking (1), live music (1), radio shows (1), Spike Milligan (1), taxidermy (1), Greek legends (1), fellini (1), Ingmar Bergman (1), Spam (1), con man (1), live action (1), Neil Simon (1), family businesses (1), Rossini (1), feature length cartoon (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
May 4, 2007

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