Sobre mi biblioteca
basicaly its full of historical ones.includes fantacy,biographical narratives...My favourites are Gone with the wind,Thorn Bird,outlander series,now reading White Mughals,Kite runner,Thousand splendid suns,The touch,OnOff,Godfather,(Guy Gaveriel Kay).
Sobre mí
I am a full time house wife ,mother of two kids.a boy and a girl of 7 years and 3 years and me trying to make them my reading companions.daily after school,atlest 1 hr is dedicated to reading or playng piano together.then we go down to play area,then usual routine of bath,prayer,dinner and off to bed.once they go to sleep,i feel very husband is too busy with his work as software developer and holidays means at our respective houses,even then i miss him a lot as he is more dedicated in religion and to his duties to his parents and siblings.i read a lot of books on varied subjects but no one is there to share my passionat my age level.
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