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Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
Aug 23, 2006
Sobre mi biblioteca
I've always got a stack of books that I'm reading at any one time, and I rotate among them furiously, depending on my mood. Novels tend to get read quickly and passed on to friends. Books with personal relevance take up permanent residence and are dog-eared, highlighted, and adorned with other little signs of affection.

I most enjoy memoirs (especially having to do with spirituality and religion), scholarly-type books (leaning towards Jungian psychology and the psychology of religion), and historical fiction centering on multicultural characters and other outsiders.
Sobre mí
I love people but am not big on crowds. Most of all, I enjoy the spaces in between things and lingering in that feeling of longing (when something magnetizes my heart). Daily life provides plenty of inspiration for my tendency to philosophize, so don't look for me to join you in unbounded abstraction. My temple and lyceum are located in the grocery store, on the hiking trails, in the movie theater, and any place else where I am paying attention. I read a lot (mostly non-fiction) and like sharing ideas (when well-timed) but believe that it's pointless to try convince anybody of anything.

Things I like: the smell of a rainstorm just as it starts, the sound of yodeling, the sight of someone humbly and genuinely pleased with themselves, and just about any dog.

Things that bore me: narcissists, rabid ideologues, and other sorts of salespeople.
Boulder, CO
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