Sobre mi biblioteca
Primary threads:
1) Non-fiction. Nearly omnivorous and voracious, although I lean towards works that actively make the world a better place.
2) Adult fiction. I'm probably reading it because somebody recommended it. I tend towards the obscure and literary. I will only read past the third book in a series if I hear glowing reviews from a fussy reader
3) Teen fiction: I work in a public library. I like kids to keep reading even after they start text-messaging. I feel happier recommending things that I have actually read.
4) Kid's books: I have three kids of my own. They are also voracious readers.
Sobre mí
Loves books, loves people. In no particular order: homesteader, Buddhist, pagan, feminist, mother, librarian, scientist, environmentalist, post-structuralist, knitter, writer. Passion for education, philosophy and how people make meaning of the world.

There are books on every horizontal surface of my house, and sometimes even the slanty ones.
sydney, ns
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