
school (71), fiction (43), non-fiction (40), borrowed (19), philosophy (16), Eastern philosophy (10), 4th (7), pedagogy (6), Shakespeare (6), 1st (6), children (5), School (5), Best American (4), poetry (4), immigration (4), short stories (4), how-to (4), 7th (3), race (3), YA (3), humor (3), BG (2), essays (2), Dakota (2), initiation (2), calligraphy (2), fitness (2), home ec (2), coming of age (2), Asian-American (2), mystery (2), LOST (2), classics (2), medieval (2), 09/10/10 (2), Arthurian (2), at school (2), school; borrowed; 1st (1), E.P. (1), 09/29/10 (1), Alex T-G (see Mrs. Pollak) (1), ADD (1), death (1), LM; 09/10/10 (1), 09/15/10 (1), existentialism (1), African-American (1), AIDS (1), 09/22/10 (1), TL 3rd (1), Africa (1), borrowed 2nd hour; Alex S. (1), Christianity (1), school; borrowed; TR; 4th (1), school; borrowed; Nisha; 7th (1), Italy (1), TV (1), school; borrowed; McKenzie; 7th (1), GLBT (1), school; borrowed; Brenden L.; 7th (1), Sarah W. (1), school; Jackson; 4th; borrowed (1), nursery rhyme adaptation (1), 4th Kyle B (1), sequel (1), sewing (1), huge (1), history (1), graphic novel (1), writing (1), travel (1), Rome (1), reading (1), religion (1), women (1), sociology (1), TP (1), books (1), family (1), sci-fi/fantasy (1), hardcover (1), children's literature (1), ya (1), fantasy (1), literary criticism (1), JB (1), cookbook (1), home (1), JH (1), Trevor (1), Sandy (1), IS (1), TR (1), personal finance (1), found book (1), medical (1), advice (1), Taylor (1), aaron (1), Megan (1), curriculum (1), legal drama (1), chick lit (1), AS (principal) (1)
Nube de Etiquetas, Nube de autores, Espejo de etiquetas
May 23, 2007
Sobre mi biblioteca
Most of the books listed here are ones that I either have at school or think I might take there at some point for some purpose or other. Mostly, my students borrow them.
Sobre mí
I'm a high school English teacher. I request books partially for my own enjoyment, but also with an eye on what students might like to read and I can keep on my bookshelf at school.
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