
Oct 31, 2005
Nombre verdadero
Nick Welman
Sobre mi biblioteca
Maybe I will add all my books once; for now I'll stick to adding the rare, the unusual and the obscure. Did not add any Dutch books so far.
Sobre mí
Lecturer and programme manager of educational innovation at Fontys University, The Netherlands; member of the Dutch Sustainable Outbound Tourism Initiative (IDUT) network; moderator of the Alexander the Great forum on pothos.org; currently in training to be a zoo guide at Apenheul apes & monkeys sanctuary in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands.

(The picture actually shows not me, but Karl, the 45 year old --- exactly my age too --- large orang utan male of Apenheul. Karl arrived in the Dutch zoo of Rotterdam decades ago after being caught in the wild in Borneo. Karl later moved to Apenheul; he is quiet and placid of nature, but he is also the father of a considerably large group of orang utan offspring. His latest child is daughter Samboja --- June 9th 2005. Compared to a normal human lifespan, Karl might already belong to the category of 'elderly people'.)
The Netherlands
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