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Nov 8, 2010
Nombre verdadero
Nanette Wingrove
Sobre mi biblioteca
I have lots of books of all kinds, which I am slowly trying weed and pass on to others. Simplicity....How many books does one person need anyway? I've taught social studies, and been a substitute teacher for 9 years, as well as rearing 2 boys who loved to read. Don't know that I'd call it a library, but it is a collection.
Sobre mí
I'm a 56 year old graduate student at Indiana University, Indianapolis, at the School of Library & Information Science. Oddly enough, I don't read much fiction, but I recently read Chocolate Wars, Here Lies the Librarian, and am now reading Love in the Time of Cholera. I spend lots of time reading for grad school, and not so much for pleasure reading. I just finished my internship at a high school library.
Valparaiso, IN

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